Imagine Your Story - Summer Reading 2020
A new all-ages interactive storytelling program, tailored especially for the Summer Reading Theme
Imagine Your Story!
Fairy tales, folk tales, tall tales, and (occasionally) true tales, gathered from 'round the globe!

Brave youths doing daring deeds!
Giants and Witches and Wolves (oh my)!

Joshua Norton I - Emperor of the United States, and beloved eccentric of San Francisco's Gold Rush Era - shares a uniquely entertaining take on classic tales!

...oh, and Juggling!
Emperor Norton
in the
Program Costs & Scheduling
Program Length 45 min
Fee: $325.00 (complete, inclusive of travel).

If you're able to schedule two or more performances
on the same date, the fee is reduced to $295.00 for each location in the area that day!

Please send an email via the Contact link
or call 215.512.1962 to reserve your date today.
I'm happy to hold a date for your library, just tell me what date/time is best and it will be marked off on the calendar below until you are able to confirm. No Worries!
Since 1994 Chris has created customized programing for public libraries - applying interactive comedy to literature and history, his programs let audience members of all ages take an active role in the fun!

Chris is delighted to present new programming each year, especially tailored to the CSLP Summer Reading themes of DE, MD, NJ, VA & Washington D.C.
Chris is reliable and easy to work with, presenting an entirely self-sufficient show; if sound support is needed, it is provided at no cost.
Performance Calendar Summer 2020
Although not an interactive calendar, this will be constantly updated immediately as dates/times are reserved. Please Note: I will list both date and time, so you'll know what mormings, afternoons and evenings are available on any given date.